“Omg have you seen *insert a great movie title here*?!”
“Well have you seen *insert an even better movie title here*?!”
…..haven’t seen that one either….
I know this is one thing my husband just can’t wrap his head around.
(Okay, I just got really excited calling him my HUSBAND! EEE!)
I am here today to let you all in on a not-so-secret secret…
I. Hate. Movies.
*gasp*! WHAAAAT?! I know, crazy, huh? But hear me out.
Let me explain WHY cinematography just doesn’t tickle my fancy.
When I was growing up, just like all parents, my parents had rules. Being a preachers daughter, my rules were a little different from my friends. Side note: my parents were VERY lenient and VERY rational, but when I was a teenager, I didn’t see that. Hello, do any kids think their parents are RATIONAL growing up?! NO. They’re all out to ruin our lives. 😉
Back to our rules…
One of our rules was this: No PG-13 movies until we were 15. I know, i know. Some of you are saying “WHAT?!?! I WATCHED RATED R FILMES WHEN I WAS 3.” Well good for you, but my parents were different. Really looking back on it, I didn’t think it was horrible. There is SO much in movies these days that kids don’t need to see. At 13 years young I wasn’t a “kid”, but I feel like my parents were “protecting my innocence” in a way.
Fast forward to the age of 15 when I COULD see movies. By that point in time, I was so over seeing movies. I had passed up all the cool flicks my friends and seen and I just didn’t want to spend hours upon hours catching up.
Fun story for you? When I turned 18, yes EIGHTEEN, I found out I was the ONLY one of my siblings who didn’t break this rule and go see a PG-13 movie in the theaters. To think I would put my parents through hell just a few short months later with the announcement of my pregnancy. Hahaha.
Fast forward to my now “adult life”. I just don’t have the patience to sit through movies. Sure, M and I will go on dates to the theaters every now and then, but lets be honest it’s more for the popcorn and red vines I know I will soon devour. Okay, there are a few movies I like to sit through, but VERY FEW.
Bridesmaids? Bring it on. Remember The Titans? A classic. Anything else? I’m probably not interested.
Do you enjoy movies?
What is your favorite one?
I had the same upbringing. But, there wasn't an age given when I would be allowed to watch them. Basically it was "never" AKA once I moved out. And boy did I catch up! I'm still not caught up and it horrifies my husband at how many huge movies I've never seen. My mom used to screen any movie over a G rating and if she didn't like some content it was a no go.
Sooo, I just thought of a way to be more fun. I noticed you're on the singles list for blogcation, and I happen to have two other girls who are interested in sharing a room for four!! Any interest in being our fourth? Wow that sounds like the worst and creepiest pick-up line ever…but email me or I can email you with details. 🙂