It’s already time for Fathers Day?! Where is this year going?!
(I know, everyone says that all the time)
Alexandra over at Man Crates contacted me and prompted me to write a post bragging on my dad a little bit. Seeing as that’s the easiest thing to do with my dad, I didn’t hesitate at all to say “Yes!”
Man Crates is doing a #DadBrag campaign for fathers day to showcase how awesome all our dads truly are!
My dad has taught me a lot in my short lifetime so far. We’ve had our ups & downs but one thing remains the same: he is always one of my best friends. I grew up in a Military family. Whether he knows it or not, my dad taught me a huge appreciation for both our country and our military members.
I’ve been told before that I had it “easy” as a kid of a military member. Although I don’t know what its like to be married to someone deployed, I do know what its like having a parent deployed. I am so thankful my dad has returned home each time safely. Through each deployment I have learned new things about myself and life as a whole. Also with each deployment, I have learned how much each of our service members put on the line for us.
I am so thankful for my dad and the life lessons he has taught me.
I am so thankful that he instilled in me an appreciation for this country.
I am so thankful he is my dad.
What awesome things has your dad taught you in life?
What is the best quality about your dad? Let me know or share using #DadBrags!