Man oh MAN!
Where have I been lately? Literally everywhere and no where. Our life has been a crazy whirlwind the last 6 months and I just feel like sometimes I can’t catch my breath. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way, right? I want to do a more “in depth” post sooner rather than later about what is going on in our life, but a small rant about pretty much nothing will have to do the trick for right now. Because I feel like writing and this is my blog so….cheers!
As many people know we’ve been trying to sell our house for the last few months and GEEZE it has been an emotional roller coaster. Trying to figure out this next big step in our life has been challenging and exciting and scary and frustrating and everything in between. Isn’t it funny how life works like that sometimes? All the emotions rolled into one. How do we stay sane?! (Well…TRY to stay sane, anyway!)
I truly can’t believe summer is almost coming to an end. Excuse me, what?! How is it even possible that we are going to have a second grader? The heartbreak with kids growing up is REAL, y’all! Why can’t they just stay little forever? Like it ACTUALLY hurts my heart that she’s growing up. But my GOODNESS is she growing up to be a heck of a lady! Beautiful, smart, kind, thoughtful….I just love that little doodle bug of ours.
In other exciting news…my sister and I are the proud new owners of a children’s consignment sale franchise. Say whaaaa?! Yup! We are the newest owners of Here We Grow Again – East Valley! So if you’re a mom like me who spends WAY too much money on kids clothes, shoes, and toys…this is the sale for you! Make back some $$$ on your out-grown clothes and shoes and also shop adorable clothing for your kiddos. It’s a win/win! Go “LIKE” our Facebook page!!!! (And tell your friends!)
I’ve been giving “monthly meal planning” a try. It’s been interesting. For the two weeks we’ve been doing it. HAHA! Check back in two weeks to see how we ended up doing!!
I wish I had more fun and exciting things to talk about, but this is real life….we all know how that goes! Especially with a low-key life like ours.
Sometimes I just really get the itch to write random things down, and decided to hit “publish” on this one. I hope you all are doing great! I miss you all. Give me blog post ideas so I can write more! Okay love you bye! PS MY BIRTHDAY IS IN ONE WEEK! HOLLER!