I know I am going to ruffle a few feathers with this post. Blow a few skirts up. Put a few panties in a wad. One half being because I have been (and consider this my public apology to anyone I pissed off while with “that one company”)/am currently in direct sales, the other half being because what I am about to say is true. Buckle up.
We get it. You want to sling some product. Trust me when I say I am ALL ABOUT supporting other people, businesses, entrepreneurs, etc…HOWEVER, with that being said, there are a hell of a lot of things wrong with the way people go about direct sales…and I’m about to lay it ALL out for you.
If you think I can’t live without your product, you’re wrong. If I’ve said no, more than once, I probably don’t want it again on the 8th time you’ve asked me to try it. I’ve tried to be polite and you are being pushy. Stop.
If you think that making me feel bad for working a “traditional job” is working for you, it’s not. It actually makes me lose a lot of respect for you. Quit making people feel “less than” just because they are on a different path than you. So excuse me while I take my retirement, 401K, and health insurance and head on back to my 9-5 job. You’re right, it’s so terrible.
If I hear one more time how amazing of a mother you are because you chose a job you could do from your phone so other people don’t have to raise your children…I literally might scream. Whether you work a job inside or outside of the home, that should NEVER be the deciding factor on what type of mother you are. EVER.
Has being discreet and humble gone out the window when it comes to direct sales companies?! Y’all act like every nice thing you buy in the world you have to give credit to the “company allowing it to happen”. Maybe I just don’t like those types of personalities, but sheesh, tone it down!
You all know I love Jesus. With my whole heart. But I hate to break it to you, God didn’t send you an army of people to follow you in the business. “I just know God put me on this path of direct sales…” *chokes on my coffee* WHAT?!?! You are kidding me, right? Like that is an actual joke?
I understand some people do really well with direct sales. More power to you. I shop with direct sales companies, I use direct sales products, and there are products I truly, TRULY love. And THAT’S OKAY! What’s not okay is making other people feel inferior for not selling or liking your product. *vent session over* *mic drop*